
All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

[1.1.2] - 2024-06-06


      • Automatic initialization for i18n that retrieves the browser’s language for application language selection.
      • Add layer name by user language in the legend and attribute table.
      • Highlight the current language in the dropdown language list.


      • Updated URLs from Geocat to the new Datahub catalog.
      • Checkboxes for basemap selection are now red with a white cross instead of the default browser checkbox.


      • Removed the ability to expand the entire container of layers. The expand logic is now only accessible via the “+” button on the right side of each layer’s container.


      • Close the map selector panel or language dropdown menu by clicking outside the window or other buttons.


[1.1.1] - 2024-02-16


      • Map background selector including the Classic map background (ch.swisstopo.pixelkarte-farbe) and Orthophoto (ch.swisstopo.swissimage) from Swisstopo.
      • Selectable layers outlining the cantonal, communal borders, and the Grand Geneva region.
      • Link to the metadata sheets (geocat catalogue), adapted according to the user’s language.
      • Vineyard (Built and Land Use Category).
      • Romansh language in the language selector.


      • BaseMap background: Replacement of the OSM Standard with a customized JawgMaps tile using OSM data for the base map background.
      • Design: New color scheme (red, white, and black) aligned with the logo’s graphic charter and updated to Helvetica font.
      • Buttons with icons for better understanding.
      • Geographic coordinate system: Display of the pointer and downloading of data including Swiss coordinates (EPSG:2056).
      • Improved Drag & Drop for compatibility with the CH1903-LV95 format (except for multi-polygons).


      • Access to the Railway Lines layer (lack of data).
      • Access to the Connection Nodes layer (only 20 data available in Switzerland).
      • Access to the Fiber Mutualization Points layer (lack of data).
      • Access to the Copper Sub-distributors layer (lack of data).

